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Is Fungus Keeping Your Lawn From Being Healthy?

Example of Brown Spot Fungus

Lawn fungal disease can take on a variety of forms, all of which can be found within the lawns soil. Several outside factors can bring many different fungi which can adversely affect your lawn. Over the past few seasons, we have seen an increase in disease pressure. This is because of the ideal environmental conditions which have favored disease development. A variety of diseases can seriously affect the appearance of your lawn. If not treated, fungus can create brown spots, inhibit growth, and in worst cases destroy your lawn. In general, by the time you recognize you have a problem, it is too late. After investing thousands of dollars and quality time to have a beautiful lawn, one summer of disease can destroy what you have worked hard to achieve.

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Fungus Factors:

Our Products:

Our fungicide program is designed to work as a preventative and curative treatment to help maintain the health and vitality of your lawn. While curative treatments are available, prevention is vital. Curative applications do not reverse the effects of an already diseased lawn (yellow or brown individual blades). These applications are only designed to protect uninfected and new growth. Therefore, preventative applications are key in maintaining your lawns health. Our fungicide program includes three treatments over the summer months of June, July and August when disease pressure is the highest. This program is specifically designed to coincide with the 6-step lawn program and is a central element in keeping your lawn healthy.

With the changing weather patterns and the increase in disease pressure, this application is vital to maintain your lawns health.

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