Bagworms are mostly found on conifer trees (Leyland Cypress, Arborvitae, Juniper, Cedar, etc.) and will do deadly damage to these trees. These caterpillars create a silk and evergreen foliage cocoon that can easily blend into a tree. Bagworms hatch around mid-June and extend their feeding season over a six-to-eight-week time frame.

Bagworms start as a small worm and bag called a “dunce cap”. As they continue to feed, both get bigger. If left uncontrolled, they can wipe out an entire tree and a row of trees. Control for this pest can be provided by spraying a contact insecticide on the tree after they hatch, which the bagworms ingest, causing them to die eventually. In addition, handpicking what you can off your tree can help prevent further pest reproduction.

Attached are two photos: the first shows the current size of bagworms, and the second shows them fully mature. If you inspect your conifer trees and find either of these two-sized cocoons hanging, you will want to get them treated. Our AC Plant and Turf team will treat this pest in July; we do not perform this service until after the bagworms hatch.

The good news is that if you are already on a plant care program, you are covered during our monthly and quarterly treatments.