Winter damage, also known as cold damage, appears as stunted leaf development, clusters of buds where normally one would grow, branch dieback, and in some cases tree mortality.

In most cases, Crape Myrtles can survive winter damage.

It is advisable to wait until the end of June/beginning of July to cut back branches to new growth in order to allow the plant to sprout as much new foliage as possible.

How To Protect Your Crape Myrtles From the Cold:

During the fall months, there are several steps you should take build up your tree’s strength as much as possible.

Good soil quality is key, regularly fertilizing crape myrtles and applying mulch to their roots before winter will help the shrubs be more resilient to cold temperatures. Mulch adds nutrients to the soil, helps insulate roots against cold damage, and prevents moisture loss year-round.

It’s also important to give them enough water through the fall to encourage root growth.. Water helps strengthen the root system and continues to protect it throughout the winter months.

Can Crape Myrtles Come Back After Suffering Cold Damage:

Crape Myrtles will normally come back after suffering cold damage, but don’t be surprised if it takes several months for them to start blooming again. Patience is key when waiting for these trees to wake up from their dormancy.